Functional capacity as a part of guidance counselling

We use the concept of functional capacity to refer to the pupils’ physical, psychological and social ability to cope with the functions of everyday life at home, at school, and during their leisure time and hobbies – in their living environment. The pupils’ functional capacity is affected by their state of health as well as the positive and negative effects of the environment. Our thinking on the functional capacity is based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Why is it necessary to describe and assess the functional capacity?

It is the task of guidance counselling to support pupils in making their plans for the future that suit their own starting points, interests and overall preparedness. It is difficult for the pupils to assess their own functional capacity in relation to their interests in a sufficiently broad-based and realistic way. The description of the functional capacity helps to improve the pupil’s self-knowledge. Through self-assessment, the young person reflects on his or her own experiences and ability to function in different situations of everyday life. The view of the people surrounding the young person helps the pupil to see his or her own functional capacity more clearly and, in the same context, any possible needs for support are also aired.

The assessment of the functional capacity increases the dialogue between the school and guardians, and it generates a common view of the pupil’s functional capacity. This way, the guidance counsellor also receives valuable additional information for his or her guidance work to support his or her own knowledge of the pupil. What are the individual strengths of the pupil and is the functional capacity of the pupil sufficient for the studies and work requirements of the intended field?

How does the functional capacity assessment work?

The pupil, guardians and school’s guidance counsellor/teacher jointly assess the pupil’s functional capacity using an online assessment tool based on the current situation. The functional capacity assessment describes the matters of functional capacity related to learning, school attendance, interaction, well-being and planning for the future. In addition, there is a possibility of choosing extending sections to broaden the functional capacity description.

The implementer of the functional capacity assessment (e.g. guidance counsellor or teacher) begins by printing the “Consent for a functional capacity assessment” form at to be signed by the pupil and his or her guardian. When the consent form has been duly signed, the implementer logs in to the service, creates a new functional capacity assessment and chooses the sub-areas that are meaningful to the pupil. Next, the implementer sends the functional capacity assessments to the respondents, meaning those who are best aware of the pupil’s functional capacity. The functional capacity assessment tool automatically assembles different views of the functional capacity based on the responses. The assessments provided by the pupil and people close to him or her are used to form a wide-ranging and diverse view of the pupil’s functional capacity and the related strengths and challenges.

Once the significant issues (strengths and areas needing support) have been clarified, guidelines should be created for the future through discussion. The functional capacity matters should be discussed with the pupil, guidance counsellor and guardians. The functional capacity assessment provides different views describing the functional capacity to support the discussion. The essential matters can be included in the summary of the pupil, which can be printed for appending to the pupil’s documents.

When is it necessary to assess the functional capacity?

The functional capacity assessment has been developed for describing the functional capacity of pupils of the upper comprehensive school age. The assessment need may become current at different times for different pupils. A good time for the functional capacity description can be the spring of the 8th grade or, for example, at the beginning of the 9th grade. This way, the pupil can be supported in finding his or her own study path through counselling during the last year of school. Information about the functional capacity can also be used in the planning of pedagogical support, such as a basis for IEP discussions. When the information about the functional capacity follows the pupil to studies and educational institutions after comprehensive school, it makes it possible to arrange sufficient and appropriate support immediately when the studies start.


Responding to the assessment and the different views of the assessment

Functional capacity (0–4) view

The view displays a shared view of the functional capacity on a scale of 0 to 4. The shared view is calculated by using the average of all the respondents. The functional capacity assessment uses a scale of 0 to 4 to determine the need for support in terms of the task or function in question.

0 = Manages independently

1 = Needs some support

2 = Needs quite a lot of support

3 = Needs a lot of support

4 = Is not capable of this


The X option can be selected, if the respondent is unable or unwilling to assess the item in question.


Functional capacity (Y/N) view

The view displays the functional capacity described with the YES/NO answers.

This view also displays the free-form responses.

Overview of strengths

The overview of strengths automatically highlights the five strongest areas of functional capacity based on the shared view. The strengths can also be replaced to better suit the situation.

Strengths and challenges

The strengths and challenges view arranges the strengths and challenges of the functional capacity according to sub-areas. The functional capacity is seen as a strength when the pupil manages the functions independently or needs only some support. The functional capacity is seen as a challenge when, according to the shared view, support is needed quite a lot, a lot or a complete inability prevails.


The conflicts view highlights the clearly differing views on the functional capacity of the different respondents.


The implementer of the functional capacity assessment can include significant information in the summary regarding the functional capacity from the other views, such as strengths, areas needing support and differing views. The summary can include goals, pedagogic measures related to the support need and observations made during the discussion. The summary is not saved online, but it can be printed and saved in own pupil registers. The summary is a good document for transferring information, for example, to the future educational institution.


The information tab includes the information regarding the functional capacity assessment, such as the sub-areas described in the functional capacity assessment and the information about the professionals to whom the assessment has been sent. The information tab can be used to send additional invitations to the functional capacity assessment.

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